In Benin City, a young girl struggles to support her family. A world away, in a tenement flat, "aunty" Martha arranges a job and flight for her. Journey with her on the bus that leads to a new life and discover the nightmare reality behind Martha's promises.
Photograph: Mercy Ojelade & Adura Onashile Directed by Cora Bissett |
Beautiful, brilliant and powerful... this is the one that is beautiful, brilliant and powerful enough to break into people’s hearts; and perhaps even to change their minds. ★★★★★ - The Scotsman
Startling and at times harrowing ★★★★★ - The Herald Almightily powerful ★★★★ - The Guardian Roadkill is brutal because the exploitation of human beings is brutal. You won’t leave unscathed. ★★★★ - New York Post Awards include: Olivier Award for Best Production in an Affiliate Theatre, Scotsman Fringe First, Amnesty Award for Freedom of Expression, Total Theatre Award for Innovation. Edinburgh International Festival Award and Holden St Theatre Award (Australia). |
Inspired by the true story of Angie Extraganza a trailblazing transgender woman, two performers unravel a tragic intertwining story where not everything or everyone is as they seem. A poetic and physical duologue which looks at one person's battle to defy biology, stereotypes and death, and they succeed... almost.
Photograph: John Paul Murray & Gordon Brandie Directed by Ros Philips |
Political, observational, mystical, erotic, tragic - The Scotsman Gorgeous, funny, brave...this frighteningly assured assault from the left-field. - The Herald |
On the eve of her 40th birthday, Susan walks into a clinic that claims it can cure her of her "homosexual tendencies". As the stories of her sit-com-loving mother, her confident new girlfriend and the clinic's strange but sweet receptionist unravel around her, Susan must finally confront the secrets she can no longer hide.
Inspired by real accounts of conversion therapy, the play uncovers the intertwining stories of four women in this brand new play about love, identity, and The Golden Girls. Photograph: Mary Gapinski & Julie Hale Directed by Ros Philips |
its 70 minutes are peppered throughout with a warmth and a wit - The Herald
a true feeling for the sweetness and value of love - The Scotsman Stef Smith's language is heartbreakingly lucid and yet hilarious.... Touching, tender and haunting yet never polemical or heavy-handed, popping gay clichés like balloons. - Across the Arts |